
Mondejavu, literally “my already experienced” is exactly the main aim of this app.

Mondejavu not only allows people to leave their most meaningful memories in places and things, but also it makes people connect with each other. As soon as people arrive near a memory marked in a place or object, the gps proximity sensor allows users to unlock the content. In this way, people are able to see a place through the eyes of a complete stranger, feel what someone else have already experienced right where they are standing. At this point the users will be able to share their own memories, creating real connections.

Mondejavu is not just another social network; it is a place in which people experiences are fundamental.

I was asked to redesign the app in November 2019, and synergically with the developers, I worked hard to rethink it and update the design. 

I simplified the user paths inside the app, taking off repetitive sections, worked on the color palette and icons, designing features that the developers could implement.


  • Rethinking users path inside the app
  • Simplify usability
  • Update design and review users interactions


Mondejavu LTD – Glue Labs srl